December 3, 2022
TSR Holiday Party, Hike & Business Meeting.
All participants are asked to self-test for Covid that morning.
Anyone who tests positive or has cold/flu symptoms
should not attend any events.
Wearing a mask is encouraged indoors when not eating.
Advance on-line registration is required.
Where: The Masker’s Barn in Watchung Reservation, part of the Deserted Village Complex. Registration information for the party/meeting and hikes will be sent via email. The annual meeting with election of officers for 2023 begins at noon. Food: A potluck lunch will follow the meeting — hot tea, coffee, and table snacks provided. Please bring your own cold drink and festive food to share with fellow hikers: hearty salad, entree, nuts, fruit, veggies/dip, cheese/crackers, or dessert (homemade please). Food can be dropped off at Masker’s Barn 9:00-11:30. No food heating/warming facilities are available so plan accordingly. Hikes: Four hikes are scheduled prior to the party for those who want to work up an appetite. Hike #1: Dean Leistikow 908-789-9413, Meet: 9:30 at Masker’s Barn parking lot. Approximately 4 miles at a brisk pace (2+ mph) with 410 feet elevation gain; not for beginners. Part of the route is along the rocky cliff edge of the ridge above Green Brook near Seeley’s Pond, with a steep descent and optional near-vertical 20-foot-high rock scramble. Boots/poles recommended. Bring water. Please note early start time. Hike #2: Tom Pollard 973-600-2301, Meet: 10:00 at Masker’s Barn parking lot. 4 miles with 300 feet elevation gain. We will briefly visit the historic Willcocks and Badgley families cemetery, descend, cross a bridge over Blue Brook, ascend above a streambed on the blue and orange trails, take the yellow and white trails to Sky Top picnic area (portable toilet), and loop back to Masker’s Barn passing the former sites of the historic Drake farm house and barn. Boots/poles recommended. Bring water. Please note early start time. Hike #3: Kate Weller 973-557-7913, Meet: 10:00 at Masker’s Barn parking lot. 2.7 miles with 292 feet elevation gain. From Masker’s Barn in the Deserted Village of Feltville we will descend and cross the bridge over Blue Brook, then ascend the trail that used to be part of Glenside Ave. Continuing on the White and Purple trails, we will traverse a scenic gorge with a defunct copper mine, crossing a shallow stream and looping back to Masker’s Barn with a stop at the historic Willcocks and Badgley Families Cemetery along the way. Boots/poles recommended. Bring water. Hike #4: Gordon Thomas 609-977-0267, Meet: 10:30 in parking lot off Cataract Hollow Road in Watchung Reservation, halfway between Route 527 and Masker’s Barn. 2 miles out and back to beautiful Surprise Lake at an easy moderate pace with 171 feet elevation gain (one hill). Boots/poles recommended. Bring water. Please note later start time. Thank you to those who volunteered to set up, serve, and clean up. We could use a few more! Contact Social Committee co-chairs: Kathe Serbin (973-715-0491, or Elise Morrison (201-927-4275, Swap Table: Masker’s Barn is the perfect place to stop ’n’ swap. Bring lightly used hiking attire, books, maps – anything another member could use. Take home any unclaimed items. Equipment repair/knife sharpening services: From 9:30-12:00, TSR member Phil Ross will provide advice and repair hiking equipment. Bring your microspikes with loose chains, hiking poles that need adjustment, etc. He will also sharpen kitchen and pocket knives, scissors, and small garden tools such as shears. If you are hiking, drop them off in advance with a note (name, phone, description of requested services) and pick them up after the hike. Directions: Upon turning into Cataract Rd, pass Deserted Village and turn right onto dirt road. At the second grassy field, marked with “TSR Park Here” signs, park head-in (no parking along the road). Masker’s Barn is a short walk to the right, down Cataract Hollow Road. Limited handicapped parking is available at the barn. Click here for directions. 2 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights, 07922. GPS coordinates: 40.678228, -74.390504 Contacts on the morning of the party: Kathe Serbin 973-715-0491 Elise Morrison 201-927-4275
July 9, 2022
Advance on-line registration is required.
Where: Lewis Morris Park, Morristown, NJ Hikes: Hike #1 Leader: Gordon Thomas, cell 609-977-0267 to be used day of event only, Meet: 10:00 AM at the parking lot for TSR picnic. A 2 mile hike; slight elevation gain of 150 ft. partly along a pretty brook with only 2 bridge crossings. Boots/poles recommended. Camera optional. Bring: water. Hike #2 Leader: Alan Breach, cell 973-600-3846,, Joyce Breach, cell 845-545-7754, Meet: 9:15AM at the parking lot for TSR picnic. We leave PROMPTLY at 9:15 for a 4.7-5mi. easy to moderate loop. We will hike at brisk 2+mph pace to be back for the picnic at noon. Boots/poles recommended. Bring: water. Please note early start time. Hike #3 Leader: Philip Ross, cell 732-221-9668, Meet: 9:45 AM at the parking lot tor TSR picnic. hiking at a brisk (2+mph) pace approximately 4.2mi using newly reblazed blue, pink dot, and yellow trails. Boots/poles recommended. Bring: water, bug repellant. Hike #4 Leader: John Jurasek, cell 845-519-4247, Meet: 10:15 AM at the parking lot for TSR Picnic. We will do an easy hike along the Whippany River for about 1.5 hrs. Around 3.5 miles. Boots/poles recommended. Bring: water. Please note later start time. Please join us on Saturday July 9, 2022 at noon for our annual club hiking and picnic at Lewis Morris Park, Sunrise Lake Area, Picnic Shelter C. The picnic will start at 12pm. Please register for the picnic on SignUp Genius so we know how much food to buy. Your registration is requested by July 6. We’ll supply the hamburgers, hot dogs, fixings, water, salads, desserts, and everything else you will need. Please add in the comments of your registration if you prefer a turkey or veggie burger instead of a beef burger. Dessert is provided, yet feel free to bring a favorite homemade dessert to share. Swap Table: Bring hiking equipment or clothing in good condition to pass on to fellow hikers. Note: If your items are not taken, you must take them back home with you. Lawn Games: It would be fun to play some lawn games at the picnic, while others are hiking and after we eat. If anyone has games such as corn hole, horse shoes, croquet, bocce, badminton, giant Jenga, ring toss, etc., it would be great if you could bring them to the picnic. In the event of a forced cancellation due to extreme weather (the Shelter is large with picnic tables and covered overhead with a roof), notification will be posted through Google Groups. Just a reminder, the TSR picnic is open to Members Only. Spouses and friends can attend for a modest fee of $15. The fee also covers 364 more days of available activity including hiking, paddling, biking and a Holiday party! Pay here: Bring your own water bottle and chair, though picnic tables and benches are provided. Parking for the picnic is in the first large parking lot at Sunrise Lake. After turning right and proceeding down toward the Lake, you should park in the very large lot on the left. Do not continue down around the boathouse where we usually park for most hikes. From that large parking lot you can take the stairs or the path at the far end of the parking lot down to the Gazebo. Please note: Sunrise Lake Area opens to the public for swimming at 11 am. Please keep this in mind when planning your arrival time for parking.
December 4, 2021
TSR Holiday Party, Hike & Business Meeting.
All participants must be fully vaccinated.
Advance on-line registration is required.
Where: The Masker’s Barn in Watchung Reservation, part of the Deserted Village Complex (click here for directions). 2 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights, 07922. GPS coordinates: 40°40'41.6"N 74°23'25.8"W or 40.678228, -74.390504 The annual meeting with election of officers for 2022 begins at noon. There will be a member's raffle drawing for two $50 gift cards and a handmade birdhouse. Food: A potluck lunch will follow the meeting — hot tea, coffee, and table snacks provided. Please bring your own cold drink along with something to share with fellow hikers: salad, main dish, nuts, pickles, fruit, cranberry sauce, veggies/dip, cheese/crackers, or dessert (homemade, please!). Meal contributions can be dropped off at Masker’s Barn beginning at 9:00. No food heating/warming facilities are available so plan accordingly. Two hikes are scheduled prior to the party to work up our appetites. Hikers must carry water and their emergency card. Non-hikers are also welcome to attend the party/meeting! Registration information for the party/meeting and hikes will be sent via Google Group email. Hikes: Hike #1: Lynda Goldschein, 908-757-7058; cell morning of hike only 908-347-5012 Meet: 9:30 at Masker’s Barn parking lot. Hike should be about 4.6 miles. Moderate pace. Maybe some mud. Boots required and poles recommended. Bring water. Please note early start time. Hike #2: Gordon Thomas, 609-977-0267, Meet: 10:00 at Masker’s Barn parking lot. Hike about 3 miles at a moderate pace. Bring water. Volunteers are needed for setup, monitoring the swap table, and cleanup. If you can help or have any questions, please call Ellie King at 908-233-8411 or Terry Kulmane at 973-644-4547 or Swap Table: Bring hiking equipment or clothing in good condition to pass on to fellow hikers. Note: If your items are not taken, you must take them back home with you. Directions: Upon turning into Cataract Rd, go past the Deserted Village parking lot on the right, following the paved Cataract Hollow Road for 1/10 mile to Overflow Parking sign on your right side. Turn right & drive on the dirt road to the second grassy field on the side of the road with “TSR Park Here” signs. Park head in. Do not park along the road. Turn right and walk for a 1/10 mile to Masker's Barn. There will be signs. There are no restrictions on footgear in the hall. Limited reserved parking is available at the barn for the handicapped and those delivering significant goods. Register in advance with Terry Kulmane (973-644-4547, Contacts on the morning of the party: Ellie King (908-487-0489) Terry Kulmane (908-418-7476) Bill Reynolds (201-874-8758).
July 10, 2021
Where: Lewis Morris Park, Morristown, NJ Hikes: Hike #1: John Jurasek Meet: 10 AM at the Sunrise Lake parking lot. Hike 4 miles at a moderate pace on a variety of trails to be back in time for the picnic. Facilities available; boots required. Bring water. Hike #2: Stan and Bev Kaltnecker Meet: 10:15 AM at the Sunrise Lake parking lot. We will do an easy hike along the Whippany River or within Lewis Morris Park for about 1-1.5 hrs. Facilities available. Boots required. Bring water. Join us on Saturday, July 10, for a picnic at Lewis Morris Park picnic area by Sunrise Lake for a day of hiking, food, and camaraderie! Please note that we will follow the CDC guidelines regarding Covid-19 which are in effect at the time, and all the food and water will be supplied by the club. Two hikes are scheduled prior to the picnic to work up our appetites. Hikers must carry water and their emergency card. Non-hikers welcome! Helpers are needed to set up for the picnic. Helpers are needed for clean-up after the picnic. If you can help or have questions about the day, please email or call 973-261-4745. In the event of a forced cancellation due to extreme weather, notification will be posted on the TSR website by 8 PM the evening before. Swap Table: Bring hiking equipment or clothing in good condition to pass on to fellow hikers. Note: If your items are not taken, you must take them back home with you. Parking for the picnic is in the first large parking lot at Sunrise Lake. After turning right and proceeding down toward the Lake, you should park in the very large lot on the left. Do not continue down around the boathouse where we usually park for most hikes. From that large parking lot you can take the stairs down to the Gazebo. Please note: Sunrise Lake Area opens to the public for swimming at 11 am. Please keep this in mind when planning your arrival time for parking.
December 5, 2020
The annual business meeting for all members will be conducted virtually.
The TriState Ramblers annual business meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 5, 2020, at 2:00 pm. In previous years, the meeting was held in conjunction with the holiday party. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, TSR is not having a party this year. The TriState Ramblers annual business meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 5, 2020, at 2:00pm as a virtual Zoom webinar. You will be able to see, hear, vote, and chat, but you will not be seen or heard. You need an internet-connected device to participate (view), but because this is a webinar, you do not need a microphone or camera. Please check your email for information on how to participate in the webinar. We hope you join us.
The Summer 2020 Picnic and December Holiday Party have been CANCELED.
December 7, 2019
Holiday Party, Hike and Business Meeting
The TSR Holiday Party is Saturday, December 7. The Business Meeting starts at noon. There will be a member's raffle drawing for two $50 gift cards. Be sure to sign in at the registration table to receive your free raffle ticket. Where: The Masker’s Barn in Watchung Reservation, part of the Deserted Village Complex (click here for directions). 2 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights, 07922. GPS coordinates: 40°40'41.6"N 74°23'25.8"W or 40.678228, -74.390504 The newly renovated Masker's barn is a very pleasant venue for us. There are no shoe/boot restrictions for hikers. Parking: Upon turning into Cataract Rd, go past the Deserted Village parking lot on the right, following the paved Cataract Hollow Road for 1/10 mile to Overflow Parking sign on your right side. Turn right & drive on the dirt road to the second grassy field on the side of the road with “TSR Park Here” signs. Park head in. Do not park along the road. Turn right and walk for a 1/10 mile to Masker's Barn. There will be signs. Parking next to the barn is RESTRICTED due to limited spaces, but is available for those unable to walk the short distance from the field. Please register with Terry Kulmane, (908) 644-4547 or, if you require a parking spot at the barn. Food: The party will be a catered buffet. Please bring your own cold drink. Hot coffee, tea, and table snacks will be provided. Please bring a cold salad or home made dessert to share. You may drop your food off at the Masker's barn starting at 9 AM. Questions: Contact: Ellie King (908) 233-8411 or e-mail Terry Kulmane Contacts (morning of the party): Ellie King (908) 487-0489 Terry Kulmane (908) 418-7476 Meg Fernandez (908) 612-9527 Bill Reynolds (201) 874-8758 Hikes: Leader: Lynda Goldschein, 908-757-7058. Cell morning of the hike only 908-347-5012. Meet: 9:30 AM sharp at Maskers Barn parking lot. About 4.5 miles, 2.5 hours. One or two uphill sections; rest is fairly level. Hiking boots & walking stick is recommended. If the day is sunny, sun glasses or peaked hat is advisable. Bring water. Note early start. Leader: Arlene Fineman, cell 908-403-6554, Meet: 9:45 AM sharp at Masker's Barn parking lot. Hike 3.35 miles on leader's choice of trails, approx. 2 hours. Easy to moderate terrain. Hiking boots required. Appropriate footwear such as microspikes if there is snow or icy conditions. Hiking poles suggested. Bring water. Note early start. There are no shoe/boot restrictions inside the Barn for hikers. The Swap: Remember to bring your hiking clothes or gear in good condition for The Swap. Just remember to take home any of your unclaimed treasures.
July 13, 2019
Where: Lewis Morris Park, Morristown, NJ Hikes: 10:00 - A 5- to 6-mile moderate hike Leaders: Charlie Stepnowski, 862-200-3956 and Bijoy Mechery, cell 908-487-8482 11:00 - An easy 1.5 hour hike Leaders: Stan and Bev Kaltnecker 201-602-4074 Join us on Saturday, July 13, for a picnic at Lewis Morris Park picnic area by Sunrise Lake. (Please note that there will not be a separate weekday picnic this year.) We’ll supply the burgers, dogs, all the fixins, and water – you supply the rest! Please bring a dish to share with your fellow hikers; it can be dropped off beginning at 9:00 AM at the Gazebo. Non-hikers welcome! Helpers are needed at the Gazebo by 8:45 am to receive food contributions and set up for the picnic. Helpers are needed for clean-up after the picnic. If you can help or have questions about the day, please e-mail Meg Fernandez, megfernandez@msn.comor call (908) 221-1924 (h) or (908) 612-9527 (c) day of the event. This year we will be recognizing the many volunteers and leaders who make the TriState Ramblers such an amazing club by honoring each of them with a special surprise. And, we will be holding a drawing for one lucky TSR member to win a $200 VISA gift card! All members are asked to please check in at the Gazebo upon arrival to get your free raffle ticket! Swap Table: Bring hiking equipment or clothing in good condition to pass on to fellow hikers. Note: If your items are not taken, you must take them back home with you. Parking for the picnic is in the first large parking lot at Sunrise Lake. See Lewis Morris Park Club Directions to Meeting Places. After turning right and proceeding down toward the Lake, you should park in the very large lot on the left. Do not continue down around the boathouse where we usually park for most hikes. From that large parking lot you can take the stairs down to the Gazebo. Please note: Sunrise Lake Area opens to the public for swimming at 11 am. Please keep this in mind when planning your arrival time for parking.
December 1, 2018
Holiday Party, Hike and Business Meeting
Where: Lewis Morris Park Cultural Center, 300 Mendham Rd., Morristown, NJ Hikes: Meet 9:45 at Jockey Hollow Visitor Center for 1 of 2 hikes (moderate or brisk). After the hikes, drive to the Cultural Center for the party. Business meeting and party begin at 12 noon. Those attending ONLY the party can arrive any time after 10:30 for socializing. Food: Bring something to share—salad, hearty snacks, or desserts. Home made desserts are always welcome, but if you plan to buy a contribution, please consider a salad or protein type dish. Hikers can bring their food to Jockey Hollow where Terry Kulmane will be at the Visitor Center from 9:30am to take them to the Cultural center for you. Beverages will be provided. Directions: Follow club directions to Lewis Morris Park, but go .5 mile further west on Rt. 24 to Cultural Center driveway on left. The driveway has a very steep uphill turn. Park at large lower lot on left. (For hikers) From Jockey Hollow: Turn right onto Tempe Wick Rd. and drive 1 mile to right on Corey Lane. Go 1.4 miles to right turn onto Rt. 24-Mendham Rd. Drive 1.3 miles to Cultural Center entrance on right. No hiking boots are allowed in the facility, so please bring a change of shoes. The Swap: Remember to bring your hiking clothes or gear in good condition for The Swap. Just remember to take home any of your unclaimed treasures.
July 7, 2018
Where: Lewis Morris Park, Morristown, NJ Hikes: 9:30 - A two-hour hike starting at 9:30 sharp led by Jeff Sovelove 10:00 A shorter 1.5 mile hike led by Jim McKay Join us on Saturday, July 7, for a picnic at Lewis Morris Park picnic area by Sunrise Lake. (Please note that there will not be a separate weekday picnic this year.) We’ll supply the burgers, dogs, all the fixins, and water – you supply the rest! Please bring a dish to share with your fellow hikers; it can be dropped off beginning at 9:00 AM at the Gazebo. Parking for the picnic is in the first large parking lot at Sunrise Lake. See Lewis Morris Park Club Directions to Meeting Places. After turning right and proceeding down toward the Lake, you should park in the very large lot on the left. Do not continue down around the boathouse where we usually park for most hikes. From that large parking lot you can take the stairs down to the Gazebo. If you can help with pre-picnic purchases, set-up, and clean-up, please contact Jeff Sovelove at Non-hikers welcome!
December 2, 2017
Holiday Party, Hike and Business Meeting
Where: The Masker’s Barn in Watchung Reservation, part of the Deserted Village Complex. Address for GPS directions: 13 Cataract Hollow Road, Berkeley Heights, 07922. For some people 13 Cataract Hollow Road doesn’t come up on their GPS; in that case they should use 2 Cataract Hollow Road (the Church/Store Building) and keep driving to the end of the road. Parking: For Non-hikers: Upon turning into Cataract Rd, go past the Deserted Village parking lot on the right, following the paved Cataract Hollow Road for 1/10 mile to Overflow Parking sign on your right side. Turn right & drive on the dirt road to the second grassy field on the side of the road with “TSR Park Here” signs. Park head in. Do not park along the road. Look for the gravel path marked with a TSR sign and follow this 1/10 mile to the paved road. Turn right for another 1/10 mile to Masker's Barn. There will be lots of signs! Parking next to the barn is LIMITED, but it is available for those unable to walk a short distance from the field. Please contact Terry Kulmane, (973) 644-4547 or, if you must park by the barn for the duration of the event. Food: Food may be dropped off from 9:30 on, if desired. The Business Meeting starts at noon and the party extends to 2 PM. Bring food to share, anything from salad to dessert. Hikes: Pat Horsch, cell 908-693-8331,, will lead a moderate hike at 10AM from Seeley’s Pond over to the party, and back to the cars by 2 PM after the party. Terry Kulame will be at the Seeley's Pond parking lot to collect any food you may wish to drop off to be taken to the party. Lynda Goldschein, 908-757-7058 (cell day of hike only 908347-5012), at 10:15 will lead a shorter hike of two easy miles. Hikers for the shorter hike should meet at the first parking lot on the right for the Deserted Village. Your food will be collected there for transport to the party. There are no shoe/boot restrictions for hikers. The Swap: Remember to bring your hiking clothes or gear in good condition for The Swap. Just remember to take home any of your unclaimed treasures.